On Friday 19th April, Mrs Morris and the school councillors from Year 2 to Year 6 had the chance to visit the Handmade Bible Exhibition at the Irenaeus Centre, in Waterloo.  We were welcomed in by Francesca and her family, who led us around the exhibition, which depicted a timeline of bible stories from the Old Testament right through to the New Testament.

"I enjoyed the story - the props really brought it to life." (Noah, Year 3)

The children were captivated by the detail and scenes that were presented before them. 

"I found it peaceful, calm and holy." (Anna, Year 4)

Once we had viewed the bible scenes, we were treated to a short Godly Play, which Francesca led us in. This was a retelling of a bible story with figures, sand and speech, that held the children's interest, focus and attention.

"It was really good - the knitted figures told each story - ones I had not heard of before." (Jacob, Year 5)

We left a positive message in the guestbook and hope that more children can have the opportunity to visit the handmade bible exhibition in the future.