The School Council and Eco Council representatives worked with Sam Turner from Sustrans once again, to discuss road safety outside our school.

Sam shared some brilliant news about the underpass under Church Road, which had been cleaned up, repainted and new lighting fitted inside to make it brighter, safer to walk through in the dark for children and families. Thank-you Sefton Council and Highways England for listening to our voices!

Callum (Y6) said he had noticed it as he walks through it each day to and from school. He said it didn't smell like it used to and was a lot cleaner now. 

What a brilliant example of the children's Social Signature in action - affecting change through their Manifesto for change!

The children designed posters and wrote letters to Sefton Road Safety team asking for help with signs, speed bumps and posters. 

A BIG thank-you to Sam Turner for helping and guiding us as always.