Hello and welcome to Year 4!
Our ethos is learning whilst having fun and understanding that making mistakes is perfectly normal; as long as we learn from them!
Meet the team:
Year 4
Miss May
Class Teacher
Miss Tierney
Class Teacher
Mrs Whittle
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Collins
Teaching Assistant (1-1)
Mrs O'Sullivan
Teaching Assistant (1-1)
Meet the Teacher Information
Year 4 Termly Newsletters
Year 4 Curriculum Map
Please try and read with your child every night. Really focus on asking questions about their book as this will help them with their reading comprehension.
Home Learning:
We use Google Classroom as the main source of home school learning.
We find this works really well with our Chromebooks in school and allows children to pick up their tasks and work from their devices at home.
The link to our Google classroom is here: Y4 Google Classroom 2024-25 (Login details are required to access)
Times Tables:
Our main push this year in Y4 will be times tables knowledge and rapidity.
Practising weekly tables and enjoying Times Tables Rockstars will support you and your child with learning this.
Please use the link below for an excellent example of Y4 expectation.
Finally, if there are any questions or concerns please feel free to speak to any of us before or after the school day.
Keep in touch by checking our page often to see our learning journey shared through our blog posts!
Our Trips & Visits:
In Year 4, we have exciting trips planned to the following places:
Autumn term: Ancient Greek day
Summer term: Chester Romans Trip
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Year 4: Layers of the Earth
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Year 4 Art: Georgia O’Keefe
Year 4 completed their art topic of painting today by producing one of their own abstract pieces focusing on flowers. The children used a range of materials to help create their desired effects; sketching pencils, water colours and acrylic paints.