Attendance Matters

At English Martyrs, we take great pride in the high levels of attendance that the vast majority of our children achieve. Our target is for all children to reach 100% attendance annually. we recognise that this is a very challenging target and that sickness or illness can often affect a child’s attendance. However, we do not authorise holidays in term time unless there is an exceptional circumstance. All holiday requests have to be made in person through Mr Dinsdale. Please see our attendance policy and leaflet for parents for more information regarding this.

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Our current Whole School attendance target is 95%+ for the academic year.

To reward attendance, we have an inter-class trophy for the class with the highest attendance in the previous month. The tracking is taken on the previous month’s statistics. The class that has the highest attendance for the previous month is presented with the Class Attendance Award trophy. The whole school attendance is shared every week in assembly on a Friday along with the numbers of children on track to achieve 100% attendance for the year and term to date.

We also reward individual children’s attendance for 100% attendance (any child with 98%+ attendance) during a term. 100% Certificates are presented the first week into the next term, with the exception of the summer term, when they are presented in the final week for the entire year also with a gold star medal.


Being in school on time every day, ready to learn is a vital to helping education and has a major impact on increased life chances.
Arriving before 8.45am, your child arrives in time to settle well and has the best start possible.
If your child arrives at 8.45am, they have probably just arrived after most children as the school days starts at 8.45am.
After 9.00am means your child is late, has missed the start of the school day. Being a few minutes late often unsettles children.

Arriving after 9.15am when the register closes, means that your child’s attendance record will be logged as an unauthorised absence.

If your child is late, they are missing out.

We track attendance and punctuality in a very detailed and thorough manner. You will be informed of your child’s attendance and punctuality throughout the year at parents evenings. You will also be able to see their current attendance by registering and using the Arbor app.