Climbing and Balancing in Nursery B
Today the children used the climbing frame to help improve and practise their balancing and climbing skills. They used their strength and coordination to move around the different areas whilst having fun in the sun.
Large scale artwork in Nursery A
The children in Nursery A have been combining their drawing, painting and collage skills over the past few weeks to create amazing joint pieces of artwork.
Song of Hope
Today in our Celebration of the Word Assemblies the children learned a new song for the Jubilee Year 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope. Listen to it here…
Jars of Hope
Some of our collective worship ambassadors and prayer buddies had been creating designs for special Jars of Hope for each class in school. We are celebrating the Jubilee Year this year with the theme ‘Pilgrims of Hop’. The jars will be kept on the prayer focus table in class and pupils are…
Parachute Play in Nursery A
Parachute play provides opportunities for cooperation, participation, turn taking and creativity. We are developing our gross motor skills and our listening skills. The children loved hiding underneath it too!
Nursery A Dress Up Day
To raise money for Nugent’s Good Shepherd Appeal we held a dress up day in nursery. We loved pretending to be our different characters. Thank you to all our families for your support.
Thursday Evening Bonfire
After a busy (and rather wet) day developing new skills, the children were able to end their evening with a traditional bonfire.
Blue Tubes, Crate Build, Obstacle Course, Group Canoe and the infamous Raft Building
Palm Sunday
After listening to the scripture about Palm Sunday, the children re-enacted Jesus arriving into Jerusalem on a donkey. The children waved palms and shouted “Hosanna” as Jesus arrived.
Nursery’s Good Shepherd Day
Today the children are having a fancy-dress day to raise money for the Good Shepherd Appeal. They are having lots of fun playing and painting together.
Wednesday Evening Orienteering
Sorted into groups and set out to find and locate points on a map!