Although it is the Headteachers responsibility to ensure the effective day to day management of the school, the governing body support the work of the headteacher and contribute towards the strategic decisions made. The governing body works closely with the headteacher, staff, the local authority and the Arch Diocese.

Key roles include acting as a critical friend, to challenge, to ask questions and to represent the school community. The Full Governing Body meets once per term. In addition to this the following Sub Committee’s meet prior to every Full Governing Body Meeting: Curriculum, Data, Finance & Buildings, Safeguarding. The Pay Review and Admissions Sub Committees meet annually.

Members of the governing body include parents, teaching staff, local community and local authority representatives.

If you need to contact our Chair of Governors please email and mark your correspondence F.A.O. Mrs B Coxon.

Governor Information

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Updated: 09/07/2024 125 KB
Updated: 20/12/2023 125 KB
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Our Governors


Mrs Bernie Coxon

Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor

Safeguarding, R.E, Phonics, PSHE (RSHE). Term of Office end date: 31st December 2024.

Mr Stephen O'Brien

Vice Chair of Governors
Foundation Governor

Maths, Computing, Website. Term of Office End Date: 30th April 2025.

Mrs Jane Byrne

SEND Governor
Foundation Governor

Inclusion & SEND, English. Term of Office End Date: 15th November 2025.

Rev. Canon Mark Madden

Parish Priest
Foundation Governor

Term of Office End Date: 27th November 2024.

Mrs Norma Neary

Foundation Governor

History, Geography, Admissions. Term of Office End Date: 22nd October 2025.

Mr Gavin Williams

Pupil Premium Governor
Foundation Governor

Pupil Premium, ‘The Arts’, Equal Opportunities. Term of Office End Date: 15th December 2026.

Tony Hughes

Sports Premium Governor
Local Authority Governor

P.E, Sports Premium. Term of Office End Date: 22nd October 2026.

Dr Keith Middleman

Parent Governor

Science. Term of Office End Date: 12th November 2024.

Mrs Andrea Pankiw

Parent Governor

MFL. Term of Office End Date: 12th November 2024.

Clare Jasper

Staff Governor

(Deputy Headteacher). Term of Office End Date: 31st Oct 2026.

Sub Committees

On occasion other members of staff will be invited to sub committee meetings to provide detailed information on Agenda items. These members of staff do not hold any right to vote. To see which governors are members of the sub committees, click through the tabs below.


  • Bernie Coxon (Chair)
  • Lewis Dinsdale (HT)
  • Tony Hughes
  • Norma Neary
  • Andrea Pankiw
  • Bernie Coxon (Chair)
  • Lewis Dinsdale (HT)
  • Stephen O'Brien (Vice)
  • Jane Byrne
  • Tony Hughes
  • Norma Neary
  • Bernie Coxon (Chair)
  • Lewis Dinsdale (HT)
  • Stephen O'Brien (Vice)
  • Clare Jasper (Deputy)
  • Keith Middleman
  • Bernie Coxon (Chair)
  • Lewis Dinsdale (HT)
  • Stephen O'Brien (Vice)
  • Tony Hughes
  • Norma Neary
  • Gavin Williams
  • Bernie Coxon (Chair)
  • Lewis Dinsdale (HT)
  • Keith Middleman
  • Gavin Williams
  • Bernie Coxon (Chair)
  • Lewis Dinsdale (HT)
  • Stephen O'Brien (Vice)
  • Clare Jasper (Deputy)
  • Norma Neary
  • Gavin Williams