
Our intention is that when children leave English Martyrs they will do so with the knowledge, understanding and emotions to play an active, positive and successful role in today’s diverse society.  We want our children to have high aspirations, believe in themselves and  realise that anything is possible if they put their minds to it. 

We firmly believe that teaching PSHE equips our children with skills for life.  We aim to give all pupils the skills and knowledge to lead happy, fulfilled and productive lives becoming valuable members of society, fully prepared for life in modern Britain.  We aim to deliver a curriculum that provides a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place, helps our pupils to develop feelings of dignity, self-worth, self-respect, confidence and empathy and ensures the inclusion of all pupils regardless of gender, culture, ability or personal circumstances.  Our curriculum covers all required objectives and in line with the PSHE Association, follows three core areas of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.  This fulfils the requirements of the 2020 statutory Relationships and Health Education and ensures a broad and balanced curriculum.  


To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in PSHE/RSE, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school.  PSHE/RSE is taught through a combination of formal lessons, cross-curricular activities, classroom management and informally throughout the school day.  It is also supported by science teaching and through circle time sessions.  Assemblies are used as part of a whole school approach with a focus on attitudes, values and celebrating successes.  

PSHE/RSE is taught weekly at English Martyrs using the Ten:Ten scheme of work ‘Life to the Full' and the Diocese of Liverpool approved scheme, ‘Journey in Love'.  This programme of study covers the three core themes Created by God, Created to Love Others and Created to Live in Community.  ‘Life to the Full 'is studied in a yearly cycle over three terms.  This means that the full learning stages are run twice (e.g. the full KS1 programme is run with Year 1 and then repeated with Year 2), ensuring that children have the chance to embed their knowledge. The programme of study is discretely supported by the teaching of Mindfulness, The Present Curriculum, Class Rules and Routines, Zones of Regulation, Mindful Movement, Online Safety, Anti Bullying Week, NSPCC - Pants and Come and See - RE curriculum.  

Progression and coverage is mapped against the PSHE Association’s program of study to ensure a clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum.   


Our pupils leave English Martyrs very well prepared for the next stage of their education and later life. Our pupils:

  • are confident, resilient, and understanding

  • know how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep physically, mentally and emotionally healthy

  • have an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships

  • appreciate opportunities and make good use of them

  • are curious and ask questions

  • can distinguish between right and wrong and understand the consequences of their own actions

  • respect and tolerate the people around them

  • work successfully by themselves of part of a team.

Updated: 22/12/2023 131 KB
Updated: 11/07/2024 439 KB