“At the heart of Catholic education lies the Christian vision of the human person. This vision is expressed and explored in religious education, which recognises the human person as one ‘created in “the image and likeness” of God.”

- 'To Know You More Clearly' The Religious Education Directory for Catholic Schools 2023 p.13


As a Catholic School, English Martyrs is committed to the Catholic faith, recognising and valuing every individual as special and unique in the image and likeness of God.

Throughout the school community we live out our school mission daily, through Christ to believe, inspire and achieve.   

As a Catholic school, we teach the children to understand the Catholic faith and traditions.  We share this responsibility with parents, the first educators of their children and with the parish where the children and their families worship.  Each child is encouraged to develop and promote an understanding and care for the environment and to live out the Catholic faith in society.


The Curriculum hours for RE are non-negotiable comprising of 10% of the curriculum timetable and followed by all staff in school.  

At English Martyrs, we follow the ‘Come and See’ programme of study based on the Religious Education Curriculum Directory produced by the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of England and Wales in 2012.

Each class covers nine topics per year and two weeks focusing on two different faiths, Judaism and Islam.  Each topic is celebrated by the children and the wider community is invited to share in these celebrations.  Children develop respect for times of prayer and worship and a respect for each other.


At English Martyrs children are encouraged to deepen their knowledge and understanding of religious education.  Throughout their time at English Martyrs children are given opportunities to become religiously literate by talking about, describing, making links and showing understanding of areas of RE. 

Through the provision offered at English Martyrs, children are inspired by what they have learnt and continue to develop their knowledge of both the Catholic faith and other faiths.  Children are prepared for life in the modern world and leave English Martyrs knowing they have a purpose in the world and responsibility towards one another.

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