How to Apply for a place for your child:

Full details of our main school admission criteria can be found in our Admission Arrangement Policy below.  The schools planned admission number (PAN) is 60.

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Nursery Admissions

Children are eligible to start our Nursery during the September after their third birthday. You can apply for a Nursery place from the September before they are due to start by completing the Nursery Application Form below.

Nursery Application Form

Please note:

  • If your child is successful in obtaining a place in our Nursery this does NOT automatically mean they will gain a place in our Reception class. 
  • To make an application for a Reception place you should follow the process outlined below. 
  • All Reception applications received will be ranked against the school admission criteria which can be found in the Admission Arrangements Policy.

Reception Admissions

For a place in Reception you need to apply via the Citizen’s Portal on the Sefton Council Website from the link here:

Sefton Council Citizen's Portal

Once you have applied for your Reception place on the Citizen’s Portal you should supply school with further information about your child by completing the Reception Supplementary Information Form on the link below. Supplementary forms should be submitted to school along with your child’s baptism certificate, birth certificate and proof of home address (council tax or utility bill).

Reception Supplementary Information Form

Over Subscription Criteria:

Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places available, the Governing Body will apply the following over-subscription criteria.

  1. Looked After Children and previously Looked After Children.
  2. Baptised Catholic children who have a brother or a sister at the school at the time of likely admission. This includes full, half or step-brothers and sisters, and foster brothers and sisters who are living at the same address and are part of the same family unit.
  3. Baptised Catholic children living in the Parish of English Martyrs. Proof of birth date in the form of a birth certificate and proof of Baptism in the form of a Baptismal Certificate is required, (unless baptised in the Parish of English Martyrs.) Proof of residency is also required (council tax bill/utility bill). In the event of any address that is found to have been given in falsely, the governors reserve the right to withdraw the offer of a place at English Martyrs.
  4. Other baptised Catholic children.
  5. Other children who have a brother or a sister at the school at the time of likely admission. This includes full, half or step-brothers and sisters, and foster brothers and sisters who are living at the same address and are part of the same family unit.
  6. Children from other Christian denominations.  Proof of Baptism in the form of a Baptismal Certificate or confirmation in writing that the applicant is a member of their Faith community from an appropriate Minister of Religion is required.
  7. Children of other faiths.  An appropriate Faith Leader would need to confirm in writing that the applicant is a member of their faith group.
  8. Other Children.

If it is not possible to offer places for all applications within any criteria above then priority will be given to those living closest to the school measured from the child’s home to the nearest school gates using the local authority’s system.

Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health Care Plan that names a school will be offered a place without using the admission criteria and will count as part of the school’s published admission number.

Full details of the admission process can be found on Sefton Council’s website: (click the link below)

Sefton Council School Admissions

In-year Admissions

In Year School Admissions are when a child moves from one school to another during the academic year.  Within Sefton there are two different types of In Year Admission:

  1. Due to a house move (via A1 application form)
  2. A school transfer for reasons other than a house move (via T1 application form)

In year applications will be considered if there is space available in the specific year group.  If there are more applications than spaces available then the school admission criteria will be applied.  

For further information and to apply for an in year transfer please contact Sefton Admission Team on 0151 934 3290/3590 or by emailing

You can also find details of the In-Year Admission process on Sefton Council Website:

Sefton Council In-Year Admissions

Appeals Process

If your child has been refused a place in the main school you have the right to submit an appeal against this decision to an Independent Appeal Panel. Liverpool Archdiocese will arrange and hear appeals for the main school.

Further details will be provided in the application decision letter sent to you by the Local Authority (In Year Admissions) or on the National Offer Day for Primary Admissions. Please follow the link to Liverpool Arch Diocese Admissions and Appeal page to submit an appeal and details of the appeal timetable: 

Liverpool Arch Diocese admissions and appeals