The first School Council meeting of 2024-25 took place on Friday afternoon. 
The children discussed the role of School Council representative and how this would work. 

Attendance Rewards:

Mr Dinsdale asked the children to think about the rewards for good attendance and invited them to take these questions back to their friends in each of their classes:

  • Do we think the attendance awards are fair?
  • Do we want to change the rewards?

The idea of a Star Jar for each class to work towards 100% attendance was discussed.
Each class would try and work together to get their reward, rather than being in competition with other classes. 

Own Clothes Days:

The children also discussed the dress down / own clothes days that we hold at the end of each half-term in association with the F.O.E.M.A. our wonderful PTA. They were asked to think of themes for each of the free days at the end of a full term (e.g. December, April, July). Mr Dinsdale suggested they take the most popular suggestions down and create a tally chart to show the responses from their classmates and share with the rest of the School Council next week.