We welcomed Bishop Tom Neylon on Friday 3rd May, who helped us celebrate our feast Day of the English Martyrs along with Rev. Canon Mark Madden visiting priest, Father Pradeep. This was a very special occasion, as the children from the two parish schools of English Martyrs and Our Lady Queen of Peace came together as one community.
During the visit to school, Bishop Tom made his way from class to class speaking to the children and inviting questions from them.
In Reception, the staff and children were keen for Bishop Tom to see their prayer garden that they had planted and he blessed it and prayed over it with them.
In Year 1, Bishop Tom was presented by a card that Katie had made for him on his visit to school.
In Year 2, there were a series of fantastic questions like, "is it hard being a bishop?" and "where do you get the oil from?" as well as, "what's the furthest you've ever travelled?"
Bishop Tom also met some of the children from Year 3 & Year 4 on the playground at lunchtime.
Thank-you Bishop Tom for taking the time to come and celebrate mass and visit us here in school!