Nursery's Going on a Journey
The children in nursery are reading 'Let's All Creep Through Crocodile Creek' and other stories about animals going on a journey. The children wanted to go on their own adventure through a forest or a jungle so we created our own jungle in the classroom. The children are enjoying reading stories…
Nursery Exploring the Cold Weather
Today the children wrapped up warm and put on their wellies to explore the cold outdoors. We listened to the noise of our footprints and described what the ice and snow felt like using words such as freezing, frosty, crunchy and squelchy.
The children then collected some ice to bring into class…
Nursery’s Visit to Church
Today the children visited Church to look at the Nativity scene and to hear the story of the Wise Men visiting Jesus. The children remembered their Christmas assembly and were able to see Jesus, Mary and Joseph with their special visitors in Church.
Nursery's Santa Dash
Today the children wore their Christmas jumpers and took part in the School Games Santa Dash event. They had lots of fun walking and running with their friends followed by a surprise visit to see Father Christmas. How exciting!
Arctic Animals
The children in nursery are interested in learning about animals that live in cold climates. We have looked at different animals that live in the Arctic including polar bears, snowy owls and arctic foxes. We have also been exploring what happens to ice as it melts.
Making Decorations in Nursery B
This week the children are enjoying making handprint salt dough decorations to hang on their Christmas trees at home. We will be painting and decorating our decorations next week.
Watch Out for the Wolf!
The children in nursery are continuing to read ‘The Three Little Pigs’. This week we are focusing on the wolf and have created our own Watch Out! posters. The children have drawn and described the wolf remembering vocabulary from the text.
The children have also been working together building…
Changing Seasons in Nursery
The children in nursery have been learning about our different seasons and this week they were able to explore what snow and ice feel like. The children talked about ‘wrapping up warm’ and preparing for the winter months ahead.
Making Christmas Cakes in Nursery
The children in nursery have been very busy making Christmas cakes. They have used their senses to smell and feel the different ingredients and have listened carefully to the instructions. They helped one another and took turns stirring, cutting, mixing and pouring the different ingredients.…
Exploring Patterns in Nursery
This week we have been exploring repeats in songs and stories. We have also been using objects and paints to make line patterns and repeated patterns.
Nursery Fun with Scoot Fit
The children had lots of fun this morning with Scoot Fit! They sang, danced and improved their scootering skills.
Exploring Clay in Nursery
This week we have been exploring clay making different shapes to create mini-beasts. This is helping us to improve our fine motor skills.