Mindful Movement
We have been taking part in weekly Mindful Movement sessions with @activesefton. The children have loved trying out the poses and listening to their breath and importantly trying to be still and present.
Finding matching pairs
As part of our maths work this week, the children have been finding and making pairs! The children have been recognising that a pair is two.
Friendship cards
Our dream cave has turned into a friendship card making station! The children are creating their own friendship cards to give to their friends, it is a great way to show our care and love for one another. The children are using name cards to support their writing of their friend’s…
The Big Bird Watch!
The children have taken part in The Big Bird Watch! We have learnt all about the RSPB and the importance of looking after our birds. The children have been outside with their binoculars and clipboards recording the different species of birds we can see. We have also made our own bird feeders to…
Celebrating Chinese New Year
This week the children have been celebrating Chinese New Year! We have made our own dragons in the craft area, painted Chinese lanterns, drawn Chinese numbers in the sand and even shared egg fried rice and crackers for our snack! The children learnt all about the traditions and even took home…
Christmas cards
Christmas card designs are on the go in Reception! The children are using water colours to carefully create their design.
The Three Little Pigs
To introduce our new book, The Three Little Pigs, the children were shocked to discover someone had made a terrible mess in our classroom! The suspect left footprints and left lots of straw and sticks laying around! We came up with a plan about who had committed such terrible crimes, we thought it…
Starting our phonics journey!
This week the children have started their phonics journey and have been introduced to the first sounds. The children have then independently created the letter sounds using loose parts and through mark making! What superstars!
Self portraits using natural resources
As part of our RSHE work, the children have been looking at self - portraits and what makes us special and unique. The children then used loose parts to create a self portraits!
Exploring our new mud kitchen
The children have loved exploring our new mud kitchen in our outdoor area! The children have engaged in pretend and messy play by cooking with mud and water. Our mud kitchen has been great for the children to develop their fine motor skills and engage in role play.