Year 1- PE Skipping Outdoors
Year 1- Outdoor Skipping
Year 1 have been learning how to skip outdoors this afternoon.
”I kept trying until I could it.”
Year 1- Design Technology
Year 1- Design Technology
We have been making sliders in Year 1. We made bridges using cardboard to help our sliders go up and down.
Year 1 Science- Sense of smell
Year 1 Science-Sense of Smell
We have being using our sense of smell to explore different foods. We matched the labels to the different pots.
“It doesn’t smell good.”
”It smells like garlic bread.”
Year 1 French Skipping
Year 1 French Skipping
We have been learning about French skipping in PE today. We watched the different songs on the video and tried to copy the actions.
Year 1 Smoothies
Year 1 Smoothies
Jay from Active Sefton came into Year 1 this morning to talk about healthy eating. The children enjoyed tasting the fruit smoothie at the end of the session.
“It tasted yummy.”
Year 1 Orienteering Outdoors
Year 1 Orienteering Outdoors
Year 1 had a wonderful time outdoors looking for different animals, numbers and letters around the school.
Year 1 Geography
Year 1 Geography- Natural and Manmade Objects
The children sorted the different objects into manmade and natural objects. We went on a walk around the school looking for more objects.
Year 1 Computing
In groups we sorted the objects into two groups: a computer and not a computer. We will shortly be learning how to logon to our chrome books using our passwords.
Year 1 Maths Escape Room
Year 1 Maths Escape Room
The children enjoyed completing all the exciting maths activities in the hall. The activities included making necklaces for the Queen, number bond puzzles, using leaves to make the total 10, using magnets to find the different faces, using scales in the shop and…
Year 1 Maths
Year 1 Maths- More than, fewer than, the same
The children worked in pairs to roll the dice and count out the counters. They used the vocabulary more than, fewer than and the same.
Year 1 Science- Explore the tongue and taste
Year 1 Science- Explore the tongue and taste
We have been tasting various foods in Year 1 this afternoon. We described the flavours and decided if we liked it or not.
“I didn’t like the marmite. I liked everything else.”
Year 1- Creation and Covenant
Creation and Covenant
We have been learning about the Creation Story in Year 1. We talked about all the wonderful things God created to make our wonderful world. The children drew all that they love in God’s world.
“I love God’s world because it includes sharing and loving one…