Good Friends
In Reception we have been talking about being a good friend to others as Jesus was a good friend to us. We discussed what makes a good friend and the things we like to do with our friends. Some children visited Mr Dinsdale because they have been noticed for being lovely friends and looking after…
Hammers and Nails
Using our fine motor skills we are creating pictures today using Tap Tap Art. We are very careful not to bang our fingers and are enjoying copying the pictures and creating our own!
Ice Ice Baby
We looked at the hail stones and watched them melt on our hands. ‘They turn to water!’ The children were able to say what the hail was made from and what happened when it touched our warm hands!
Snow Play
There might not have been much snow in our area, but we certainly made the most of it!
Writing in Reception
Some fabulous independent writing today in Reception.
Father Christmas’ Castle
Reception are getting very excited for the big day. The girls built a castle for Father Christmas so he can make their toys in it! All three want new dolls for Christmas.
The children love to watch Numberblocks and today had a go at making their own number stairway using our multilink cubes. There was lots of counting and checking to make sure that the correct number was reached.
Four Sides or Not!
This week we have been looking at 2d shapes. We have talked about the properties of the shapes, including corners and sides. We then sorted various shapes according to the number of sides they had.
Exploring Colour and Texture
In Reception we have been using watercolours to explore mixing and different textures when we are painting. The children loved the delicate colours the paints made. Clancy and Isabella particularly enjoyed this activity.
Christmas cards
Christmas card designs are on the go in Reception! The children are using water colours to carefully create their design.
A Balancing Act
We love every opportunity to practise our gross motor skills in the garden!
Building Work in Reception
We love using the big blocks in the outdoor resource area. Here we have created a strong house made from bricks, concrete and a tiled roof! This should keep out the big bad wolf!