Making Christmas Cakes in Nursery
The children in nursery have been very busy making Christmas cakes. They have used their senses to smell and feel the different ingredients and have listened carefully to the instructions. They helped one another and took turns stirring, cutting, mixing and pouring the different ingredients.…
Exploring Patterns in Nursery
This week we have been exploring repeats in songs and stories. We have also been using objects and paints to make line patterns and repeated patterns.
Firework patterns.
We have been exploring patterns and repeats. Using stones and pebbles we made some firework patterns, carefully following lines, developing their visual accuracy and fine motor skills.
Home-school diary time
Sharing our work or news from home is a very special time for us in Nursery. This week we are enjoying time to share our half term news. Many children have been very busy with Halloween and Bonfire Night celebrations. Thank you children, we love learning all about you!
Nursery Fun with Scoot Fit
The children had lots of fun this morning with Scoot Fit! They sang, danced and improved their scootering skills.
Exploring Clay in Nursery
This week we have been exploring clay making different shapes to create mini-beasts. This is helping us to improve our fine motor skills.
Library Time for Nursery A
Visiting our school library for the first time was a very special trip for our nursery children. There were gasps of awe and wonder as the brand new resource was revealed to our youngest children. We loved the books and listening to ‘The Lion Inside’ as part of story time. We are learning how to…
English Martyrs Autumn Cafe!
This week’s menu:
Starter: Leaf Soup
Main: Autumn Omelette
Dessert: Spider crispy cakes
Turn-taking, playing, mixing, stirring, speaking, listening, measuring, counting, experimenting = LEARNING!
When the lights go out…the torches come out!
A power cut in nursery didn’t stop the fun and learning this week. We used torches to find our way around nursery, exploring light, dark and shadows.
Who lives in a house like this?
As part of our Communication and Language work, we have been reading the book Home by Carson Ellis. The children have been building different homes within the nursery provision. They have produced some fantastic creations.
Nursery Making Mud Soup
The children have been working together in the mud kitchen making mud soup using our natural resources.
Nursery Learning Outdoors
The children have had lots of fun playing and exploring outdoors. In music we have been learning about percussion instruments so the children wanted to hear the sounds the tractor tyre could make. They have also been using the trees to play hide and seek.