Who lives in a house like this?
As part of our Communication and Language work, we have been reading the book Home by Carson Ellis. The children have been building different homes within the nursery provision. They have produced some fantastic creations.
Recount - Journey along the river
The children have worked in small groups to recount Annie’s journey in her barrel as she approaches the end of the falls.
We focused on summarising the key events as well as thinking about how Annie would have felt at each stage.
Preparing for our Writeaway
Preparing for our Writeaway
The children worked in groups to oblate ideas on what may have happened to one of our key characters. To finish our unit on Star of Fear, Star of Hope - the children will be retelling the story from the point of view of another character.
Bird spotting in Nursery A
Some of the children have been keen to find out about the different birds they might see in the nursery garden.
Starting our phonics journey!
This week the children have started their phonics journey and have been introduced to the first sounds. The children have then independently created the letter sounds using loose parts and through mark making! What superstars!
Friday ERIC time
Everyone Reading in Class
After a long and fun-packed week of learning, there’s nothing better than relaxing on a Friday afternoon with out favourite books
End of the day story!
Reading our class novel
Yesterday, Mia read our class story to the whole class. Determination, power and courage. She is only ten and confident! Ms G still gets nervous and she has done it for 27 years!
Nursery A Camping Adventure
We have been taking advantage of this week’s wonderful weather and spending lots of time learning outside. The children have been exploring nature and using their imaginations to create delicious campfire soups, taking turns to add ingredients and stir. We have been singing campfire songs…
Descriptive Vocabulary
After watching a clip of Niagara Falls, we used our senses to imagine what it must have been like watching Annie Edson Taylor as she crossed the Falls in her barrel.
We worked together and selected vocabulary linked to what we would see, hear and how we would have felt at the time.
This will…