Days of the Week/Months of the Year
This week we have focused on learning the Spanish names for the days of the week and months of the year.
The children are really enjoying their weekly Spanish lessons.
Year 1- Creation and Covenant
Creation and Covenant
We have been learning about the Creation Story in Year 1. We talked about all the wonderful things God created to make our wonderful world. The children drew all that they love in God’s world.
“I love God’s world because it includes sharing and loving one…
Recognising Colours
This week we are looking at different colours and sorting colours into groups. At home we are talking about our favourite colours and drawing pictures to share with our friends.
Ways to support your child after school
Following the previous blog post, 'Why does my child struggle after school?' please click on the link below for tips and practical ways you can support your child after school. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact school to discuss this further.
Scissor Skills Y2
Our first session - using our scissors to cut out the parts of a house.
Science Year 1 Hearing
We have been learning about how our ears help us to hear. We listened to various instruments and decided if we liked or disliked the sound we made. We know that sound is made of vibrations.
“I like this instrument because it makes a quiet sound”
Spanish - Days of the Week/Months of the Year
¡Hola! Bienvenido a nuestro blog.
Today in Spanish, the children have been looking back at the days of the week and months of the year. We are working towards being able to say and write our date of birth.
Anatomy of the eyeball
Learning about how our eyes work
As part of our topic on light, today we learnt about the different parts of our eyes and their functions. We worked in pairs to correctly label scientific drawings.
Mia said, “I’ve learnt today that the different parts of the eye all have a special job…
Friday ERIC time
Everyone Reading in Class
After a long and fun-packed week of learning, there’s nothing better than relaxing on a Friday afternoon with out favourite books