Image of Poetry ‘Inside my Norse Myth’
16 January 2025

Poetry ‘Inside my Norse Myth’

We used our list of elements found in Norse Myths to create a poem titled, ‘Inside my Norse Myth.’

The poem included expanded noun phrases, similes, metaphors and powerful verb phrases.

We worked in pairs to generate and share our ideas.

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Image of Board Game Fun
19 December 2024

Board Game Fun

As part of a bit of Christmas fun, the children enjoyed a board game day.

It was lovely to see the children sharing their games and smiling all day.

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Image of Printmaking
18 December 2024


Today we have been using foam printing blocks to create prints.

We used ink rollers to apply red first to our blocks and then after letting it dry added green to our Christmas style prints.

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Image of Investigating the effects of friction on different surfaces.
11 December 2024

Investigating the effects of friction on different surfaces.

Today we looked at how friction is a resistant force between two surfaces.

We investigated which surface is best to place on the floor to prevent people slipping.


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Image of Road Safety
6 December 2024

Road Safety

We have been exploring road safety and ways to make ourselves more visible when we are outside.

In groups, we selected a design based on a brief provided and then used fluorescent and reflective materials to build our designs.

After creating our designs, we evaluated them against the brief…

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Image of What did a Saxon town look like and how did they get their names?
29 November 2024

What did a Saxon town look like and how did they get their names?

This term we have been focusing on the Anglo Saxons.

In this lesson, we explored what a Saxon town looked like as well as the different roles people would have. 

The children selected questions and researched them to create brilliant fact files.

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Image of Parliament Week - Who’s my MP?
25 November 2024

Parliament Week - Who’s my MP?

As part of Parliament Week, we looked into how our country is run and how laws are created.

We then researched who our local MP is and how long they have been in the role.


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Image of Tinkering with Scratch music elements
22 November 2024

Tinkering with Scratch music elements

We have started to use Scratch to create music.

In this lesson, we have been tinkering and getting used to using the programme.

Over the next few weeks we will be developing our skills using Scratch.

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Image of Air Resistance
22 November 2024

Air Resistance

In this lesson we explored the effects of air resistance.

We looked at how air resistance (drag) is a force which acts as friction between objects and air.

We conducted an experiment using parachutes to see whether the size of the parachute impacts the time it takes an object to fall.

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Image of 100 Word Tale
22 November 2024

100 Word Tale

After analysing traditional tales, we used a planning grid to write a 100 word tale using elements of traditional tales.

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Image of CHET Trip 5A - Day 3
15 November 2024

CHET Trip 5A - Day 3

For our final day we started by returning to the woods to test our orienteering skills. After that we watched how to light a fire using flint and lock. We then toasted marshmallows to enjoy some delicious smores.

We returned to the centre to create pottery owls which the children will get when…

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Image of CHET Trip 5A - Day 2 Evening
14 November 2024

CHET Trip 5A - Day 2 Evening

Following our evening meal, the children headed back to the barn to take part in a bench ball tournament. It was extremely close and played in good spirit with lots of encouragement from everyone.

After that, we enjoyed a hot chocolate and biscuit. As you can see from the pictures, some of the…

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