Musical Hieroglyphics
In this lesson we explored using hieroglyphics as musical symbols.
After listening to The Bangles, ‘Walk like an Egyptian’, we discussed what symbols would be suitable to go along with the song.
In pairs, we created our own composition using hieroglyphics and selected suitable sounds to go…
Investigating Hands Spans
In this lesson, we looked at the different ways and reasons why children are measured and weighed.
As a class, we measured our hands spans and then took an average for the class, boys and girls.
Our conclusion was, ‘the larger the handspan, the taller the person.’
Maths Adventure
Today Year 5 were tasked with solving a range of mathematical problems in order to stop the Robotrons.
The children worked in small groups and applied a range of skills to find the codes needed.
Thank you to Subject Revolution for leading a brilliant afternoon and the Year 6 volunteers for…
The Sinking of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald
Throughout this term the children have been learning about the Great Lakes of North America.
In this lesson we explored what happened to the SS Edmund Fitzgerald on Lake Superior.
We independently researched to find out more information about the SS Edmund Fitzgerald and what caused it to…
Days of the Week/Months of the Year
This week we have focused on learning the Spanish names for the days of the week and months of the year.
The children are really enjoying their weekly Spanish lessons.
Inaccurate Information
Following on from our lesson on search engines, we looked at a clip of the Chocolate Whopper from Burger King and researched the life of the Pacific Tree Octopus. We then discussed how the clips and links we viewed were fake.
We reinforced the importance of using trustworthy websites and using…
Descriptive Vocabulary
After watching a clip of Niagara Falls, we used our senses to imagine what it must have been like watching Annie Edson Taylor as she crossed the Falls in her barrel.
We worked together and selected vocabulary linked to what we would see, hear and how we would have felt at the time.
This will…
Subtractive Drawing
We have been learning about subtractive drawing. This is an art technique that involves covering a surface with charcoal or graphite and then erasing parts of it to create an image.
The children focused on creating a setting or landscape in the style of Frank Auerbach.
Place Value: Numbers to 10,000
The children worked in pairs to identify numbers up to 10,000 presented in a range of ways.
Lola explained, ‘I found this activity fun as it was similar to solving a puzzle.’
Ourselves - ‘Who I Am’
As a class we talked about the similarities and differences between talents and qualities.
We then thought about the qualities of our friends and what they are good at.
We realised how others see us and how we don’t always recognise our own qualities.