Y6 history
Today, the children learnt about the different cities that were targeted during the Blitz. Did you know that Liverpool was the second most bombed city in the country? Why do you think this and what was the most bombed?
Changing Seasons in Nursery
The children in nursery have been learning about our different seasons and this week they were able to explore what snow and ice feel like. The children talked about ‘wrapping up warm’ and preparing for the winter months ahead.
Y2 Tesco Visits
To begin our Geography topic the children walked to Tesco in groups and looked in the fruit aisle to investigate where different fruits have come from.
Bug Hunting!
The children have loved hunting for bugs in the garden this week. After reading poems about mini-beasts we all searched the garden for their secret hiding places to see what we could find. Harry was especially keen and helped lots of the children on their search. ‘I know all the good hiding…
Year 1 Orienteering Outdoors
Year 1 Orienteering Outdoors
Year 1 had a wonderful time outdoors looking for different animals, numbers and letters around the school.
Year 1 Geography
Year 1 Geography- Natural and Manmade Objects
The children sorted the different objects into manmade and natural objects. We went on a walk around the school looking for more objects.
Field trip studying coastal features at Crosby beach
We had so much fun exploring the coastal features of our local area. Crosby beach was much cleaner than previous years.
The Sinking of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald
Throughout this term the children have been learning about the Great Lakes of North America.
In this lesson we explored what happened to the SS Edmund Fitzgerald on Lake Superior.
We independently researched to find out more information about the SS Edmund Fitzgerald and what caused it to…
Pupil Book Study - Geography
On Wednesday 5th June, four children from Year 4 came with Mr Buckton to share their knowledge and learning around the topic of Volcanoes.
The children were able to explain the parts of the earth’s crust and showed a good level of knowledge around the subject of volcanoes.