Year 1- Science
Year 1- Absorbent and absorbent materials
We have been exploring different materials to find out if they are absorbent or non-absorbent using water. We looked at the following objects- paper towel, plastic wallet, a sponge, paper, fabric and tin foil.
”a mop is absorbent”
”a book is…
Year 2 Science- Materials
The children explored applying the forces of squashing, bending, twisting and stretching to a range of materials and they recorded their results in a table.
Year 2 Lego Club
The children in Lego and k’nex club are becoming more creative each week. We’ve had so many different designs and the children have been working brilliantly together. Today some of the children chose to make marble runs using the Lego baseboards.
Mix and Create!
The children have been using natural resources, lemons and limes as part of their sensory outdoor learning today. Smelling, mixing, whisking, pouring, creating, communicating, turn-taking - playing is learning!
Discover materials that are soluble in water
Today we investigated soluble and insoluble materials.
We worked in small groups and observed what happened when the material was added to the water.
We then discussed ways that we could speed up the process.
Explore the hardness of materials
In this lesson we explored the hardness of materials.
In groups, we used different types of rocks and tried to scratch them using: plastic, nails, coins, split pins and our fingernail.
We discovered than chalk was the easiest of the rocks to scratch.
Changing States of Matter
Following on from last week’s icy weather we decided to explore what happens to ice and how we can melt it the quickest way. We started off by enjoying a song from ‘Frozen’ by Olaf who wanted to see what happens to snow in summer! We then used warm water, salt and glitter to melt the ice. We…
Ice Ice Baby
We looked at the hail stones and watched them melt on our hands. ‘They turn to water!’ The children were able to say what the hail was made from and what happened when it touched our warm hands!
Snow Play
There might not have been much snow in our area, but we certainly made the most of it!
Arctic Animals
The children in nursery are interested in learning about animals that live in cold climates. We have looked at different animals that live in the Arctic including polar bears, snowy owls and arctic foxes. We have also been exploring what happens to ice as it melts.
Year 4 Science: Sound
We have been so lucky in Year 4 to have a visit from one of our school governors, who is also a real scientist! Mr Middleman kindly brought different equipment into school to help us with our science topic on sound.
We talked about how sound cannot travel through a vacuum, how sound waves…
Investigating the effects of friction on different surfaces.
Today we looked at how friction is a resistant force between two surfaces.
We investigated which surface is best to place on the floor to prevent people slipping.