Nursery Visit Kingsley's & Co
Today the children in Nursery B visited Kingsley's & Co in Bootle Strand. They had a wonderful morning listening to stories, dressing up, playing with puppets and exploring the different themes inside the book shop. They sat in the cafe area for a drink and snack and chose a book to take home too.…
Y2 English
Year Two made a fascinating discovery today. They talked about what they had found and made predictions.
Favourite Time, Library Time.
The children in Nursery A can’t wait for their library slots each week. This week it was fantastic to see so many children recognising The Three Pigs book that we have been using so much in nursery and competing to be the first to read it! There is such a buzz of excitement when we visit our…
Bird spotting in Nursery A
Some of the children have been keen to find out about the different birds they might see in the nursery garden.
Friday ERIC time
Everyone Reading in Class
After a long and fun-packed week of learning, there’s nothing better than relaxing on a Friday afternoon with out favourite books
End of the day story!
Reading our class novel
Yesterday, Mia read our class story to the whole class. Determination, power and courage. She is only ten and confident! Ms G still gets nervous and she has done it for 27 years!