Social Signature Celebration Event - 05.07.24
Our Year 5 School Council representatives joined Mr Dinsdale on Friday 5th July at a special celebration event at Bootle Town Hall to showcase what all the STRAND Partnership schools had undertaken through the Social Signature project this year. Dr Pete Hawkin was on hand to thank and congratulate…
CAFOD Catholic Social Teaching Workshops
We welcomed CAFOD volunteers to lead workshops on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching across school from Reception to Year 5.
It was really informative and helped us to better understand how we can make a difference in the world.
Thank-you CAFOD for helping us on our…
First Holy Communions
As a school community, we were delighted to support the parish community as some of our Year 4 children made their First Holy Communion earlier this month, alongside children from Our Lady Queen of Peace School. Father Mark, parish catechists and parents have supported the First Holy Communicants…
English Martyrs Feast Day 2024
We welcomed Bishop Tom Neylon on Friday 3rd May, who helped us celebrate our feast Day of the English Martyrs along with Rev. Canon Mark Madden visiting priest, Father Pradeep. This was a very special occasion, as the children from the two parish schools of English Martyrs and Our Lady Queen of…
Handmade Bible Exhibition
On Friday 19th April, Mrs Morris and the school councillors from Year 2 to Year 6 had the chance to visit the Handmade Bible Exhibition at the Irenaeus Centre, in Waterloo. We were welcomed in by Francesca and her family, who led us around the exhibition, which depicted a timeline of bible…
RE Newsletter - Summer 2024
Our latest RE Newsletter is available to read online now - RE Newsletter for Summer 2024.
It can be seen from the Newsletters page and also on the Catholic Life page, under RE Newsletters.