The children love to watch Numberblocks and today had a go at making their own number stairway using our multilink cubes. There was lots of counting and checking to make sure that the correct number was reached.
Four Sides or Not!
This week we have been looking at 2d shapes. We have talked about the properties of the shapes, including corners and sides. We then sorted various shapes according to the number of sides they had.
Year 2 Addition
The children worked in pairs to add two 2- digit numbers (not across a ten). They were given the opportunity to use concrete resources to help them solve the calculations.
`Year One Maths
Year One Maths
In today’s maths lesson we learned about addition by ‘adding more’. We used ten frames and counters to help us with our addition, ‘First, then and now’, number sentences.
Comparing Fractions
Comparing Fractions
Mrs Boylan’s Maths Group were today using our fraction mats to compare and order fractions.
Messy Mud Kitchen Play
The children have been getting messy in the mud kitchen this week.
An article in QA Nursery Magazine explains the many benefits of mud kitchens some of which are listed below:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
Mud kitchens work incredibly well as part of PSED for…
Nursery A - Christmas Cake Adventure
The children began their Christmas cake making adventure this week. They experienced the smells of nutmeg, cinnamon, mixed dried fruit, orange peel, lemon peel, coffee, mixed spice and more. They used listening skills to follow instructions, teamwork and turn-taking skills and mathematical skills…
This week the children have been learning about multiples and factors.
We explored the different ways we can identify a multiple of 2,3,4 and 5.
Subitising in Reception
This week in Reception we have been using our ‘maths eyes’ to look at small groups of objects and say, without counting, how many there are! The children have loved playing games to subitse.
Exploring Patterns in Nursery
This week we have been exploring repeats in songs and stories. We have also been using objects and paints to make line patterns and repeated patterns.
Firework patterns.
We have been exploring patterns and repeats. Using stones and pebbles we made some firework patterns, carefully following lines, developing their visual accuracy and fine motor skills.