Mark Making in Nursery A
Our learning environment is scattered with mark making opportunities. This week the children have been developing their pre-writing and writing skills on large sheets on the floor, large sheets on the easel, a variety of papers available in our mark making area, using whiteboard pens on a large…
Counting in Nursery
This week the children have been using their counting skills to make ‘magic potions’. They have been using the different resources to take three items and place them in the cauldron. The children continued with this counting activity in continuous provision with their…
Using Our Senses in Nursery
This week we are learning about our different senses and how our senses help us to explore the world around us. Today the children used their sense of smell to guess what was in the container. They were able to describe the different smells using words such as sweet, strong, nice.
Mix and Create!
The children have been using natural resources, lemons and limes as part of their sensory outdoor learning today. Smelling, mixing, whisking, pouring, creating, communicating, turn-taking - playing is learning!
Nursery A Visit to Kingsley and Co. 31.01.25
The last of the nursery visits to Kingsley and Co. took place today. The children were amazing and loved the hands on experiences. We took part in the Red Riding Hood story, explored the shop and even chose our own books to keep. The trip was completed with an extra long rendition of ‘The…
Chinese New Year in Nursery
The children have been learning about Chinese New Year and how 2025 is the Year of the Snake. This week they have made dragons and lanterns, enjoyed noodles and prawn crackers for snack and learned how to say 'Happy New Year' in Chinese.
Nursery Visit Kingsley's & Co
Today the children in Nursery B visited Kingsley's & Co in Bootle Strand. They had a wonderful morning listening to stories, dressing up, playing with puppets and exploring the different themes inside the book shop. They sat in the cafe area for a drink and snack and chose a book to take home too.…
Exploring Colours in Nursery
This week the children have been exploring colour mixing with paints. We have been learning about the primary colours red, yellow and blue and seeing what happens when we mix them together. We have also painted our own crocodile as we continue to read ‘Let’s All Creep Through Crocodile Creek’.…
Let’s have some time together
“Let’s have some time together” is a phrase you will often hear adults in our early years setting saying to children. For example, “Let’s have some time together to play, read, tidy, build, talk, think about, focus on”. It is an effective way of connecting and bringing learning on through…
We’re going on a cat hunt!
In RE we have been been continuing to learn about the visit of the three wise men and adapting the well known story “We’re going on a Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen for “We’re going on a star hunt”. Today in Nursery A we adapted it further when, with much excitement, we spotted a cat up in our…
Pitta Pizzas
This week we made pitta bread pizzas in nursery. We took turns, talked about our ingredients which included, tomato purée, pitta bread, cheese and sweetcorn. We really enjoyed eating them when they were ready. George commented “I really really really liked the sauce and the sweetcorn too!”…
Making Pizzas in Nursery
Today the children made their own pizzas to eat at snack time. They listened carefully and followed the instructions to make delicious pitta bread pizzas. We used our senses to feel, taste and smell the ingredients and focused on the words first, next, finally.
Well done children!