Exploring Colour and Texture
In Reception we have been using watercolours to explore mixing and different textures when we are painting. The children loved the delicate colours the paints made. Clancy and Isabella particularly enjoyed this activity.
A Balancing Act
We love every opportunity to practise our gross motor skills in the garden!
Building Work in Reception
We love using the big blocks in the outdoor resource area. Here we have created a strong house made from bricks, concrete and a tiled roof! This should keep out the big bad wolf!
Nearly Time!
Christmas preparation is in full swing in Reception. We are slowly working our way through costumes for our Nativity play. Watch out for any lines in book bags this week.
We were so excited to see the snow on Tuesday morning. Although there wasn’t that much we certainly made the most of it! Apart from a few cold hands we had a great time.
In Disguise!
Some new wigs and glasses have refreshed our dressing up basket this week!
Odd Sock Day
The children and staff were all excited to take part in Odd Sock Day! We are kind to each other every day in Reception, and have talked about the importance of this.
Remembrance Day
We remembered the soldiers who died for us. We all made a poppy to put in the window. We observed the two minutes silence by watching the CBeebies ‘Poppies”.
Rosie’s Spectacular Lightbox House
After reading the story of ‘The Three Little Pig's’ Rosie used the lightbox to make her own house. We love the colours that shine through on the box.
Subitising in Reception
This week in Reception we have been using our ‘maths eyes’ to look at small groups of objects and say, without counting, how many there are! The children have loved playing games to subitse.
Stars of the week
Final stars of the week for this first half term in Reception.