Sorting 1 2 and 3
This week Reception have been looking at numbers 1 2 and 3. We sorted various ways of showing the numbers as class, the children then did in small groups before finally bring left to explore themselves.
Scoot fit
We had such an exciting time yesterday when we took part in Scoot Fit. The children absolutely loved scooting around to the music. They were so confident and particularly enjoyed the scoot football. ‘Best day ever!’ Jacob said.
Bug Hunting!
The children have loved hunting for bugs in the garden this week. After reading poems about mini-beasts we all searched the garden for their secret hiding places to see what we could find. Harry was especially keen and helped lots of the children on their search. ‘I know all the good hiding…
This week we have investigated patterns in class. The children loved making their own simple patterns using our every day resources.
Today we celebrated some achievements in Reception. For swimming, gymnastics and football skills. What a talented bunch!
Summer Reading Challenge
Congratulations to all of the children who completed the Summer Reading Challenge at the library this year.
This week for maths we have been exploring length.
We looked objects that were long and short and then went into the classroom and found other objects to compare.
Reception Orienteering
This Monday we were lucky to take part in a class orienteering activity.
The children were split into groups and tasked with finding various animals around the site.
The weather was kind and we all had a great time searching for the animals and remembering them.
Esme won our kindest…
Superstars of the Week
Our very first stars of the week in Reception, but very well done to everyone for an amazing week. The children have been brilliant at settling in and finding their feet!
Our First Fabulous Week
Some more of our pictures from this week. Settling in and making new friends.