Celebrating Chinese New Year
This week the children have been celebrating Chinese New Year! We have made our own dragons in the craft area, painted Chinese lanterns, drawn Chinese numbers in the sand and even shared egg fried rice and crackers for our snack! The children learnt all about the traditions and even took home…
Nursery A Visit to Kingsley and Co. Bookshop 29.01.25
The second nursery trip of the week to Kingsley and Co. Bookshop has taken place today. The children listened carefully to the Red Riding Hood Story before exploring the different areas. We were even able to choose our own book to keep!
Nursery Visit Kingsley's & Co
Today the children in Nursery B visited Kingsley's & Co in Bootle Strand. They had a wonderful morning listening to stories, dressing up, playing with puppets and exploring the different themes inside the book shop. They sat in the cafe area for a drink and snack and chose a book to take home too.…
Let’s have some time together
“Let’s have some time together” is a phrase you will often hear adults in our early years setting saying to children. For example, “Let’s have some time together to play, read, tidy, build, talk, think about, focus on”. It is an effective way of connecting and bringing learning on through…
Let’s Build in Nursery A
Using a mixture of wooden blocks and natural resources, the children decided to make a fort today. The children worked together and side by side to create their masterpiece. There was lots of discussion and negotiating taking place too. We didn’t want to tidy it away at the end of the day!…
Nursery Pen Pals
In Nursery we are learning about using different media and this week we have been exploring the marks made by felt tip pens. So many children have been encouraged to pick up pens use them for a variety of purposes. We have had pictures created of families, friends, a rainbow cake, a unicorn,…
We’re going on a cat hunt!
In RE we have been been continuing to learn about the visit of the three wise men and adapting the well known story “We’re going on a Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen for “We’re going on a star hunt”. Today in Nursery A we adapted it further when, with much excitement, we spotted a cat up in our…
Making Pizzas in Nursery
Today the children made their own pizzas to eat at snack time. They listened carefully and followed the instructions to make delicious pitta bread pizzas. We used our senses to feel, taste and smell the ingredients and focused on the words first, next, finally.
Well done children!
Nursery's Going on a Journey
The children in nursery are reading 'Let's All Creep Through Crocodile Creek' and other stories about animals going on a journey. The children wanted to go on their own adventure through a forest or a jungle so we created our own jungle in the classroom. The children are enjoying reading stories…
Winter themed sensory play.
The children have been interested in the theme of winter this week with all the cold weather we have been experiencing. We created ‘snow’ for our cold weather animals using shaving foam. Playing with shaving foam provides children with a different sensory experience and opportunities to make…
Nursery Exploring the Cold Weather
Today the children wrapped up warm and put on their wellies to explore the cold outdoors. We listened to the noise of our footprints and described what the ice and snow felt like using words such as freezing, frosty, crunchy and squelchy.
The children then collected some ice to bring into class…
Nursery’s Visit to Church
Today the children visited Church to look at the Nativity scene and to hear the story of the Wise Men visiting Jesus. The children remembered their Christmas assembly and were able to see Jesus, Mary and Joseph with their special visitors in Church.