Home-school diary time
Sharing our work or news from home is a very special time for us in Nursery. This week we are enjoying time to share our half term news. Many children have been very busy with Halloween and Bonfire Night celebrations. Thank you children, we love learning all about you!
Y2 Owl visit
As part of our work on The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark we had a visit from Lancashire
Social Signature Meeting - 25.10.24
The Social Signature School Council met with Pete & Helen Hawkin to discuss the next stage of development with the Social Signature booklet.
Children were asked to vote and have their say with the superhero character and the layout and images in the booklet.
Discussion was held…
Stars of the week
Final stars of the week for this first half term in Reception.
Sorting 1 2 and 3
This week Reception have been looking at numbers 1 2 and 3. We sorted various ways of showing the numbers as class, the children then did in small groups before finally bring left to explore themselves.
Scoot fit
We had such an exciting time yesterday when we took part in Scoot Fit. The children absolutely loved scooting around to the music. They were so confident and particularly enjoyed the scoot football. ‘Best day ever!’ Jacob said.
Western Approaches Trip
Calling all able people! Join the Royal Navy and do you bit for the war effort!
Today, the children from Year 6 became evacuees and travelled to the Western Approaches museum in Liverpool. We learnt about Liverpool’s vital role in the defence of Britain and the Battle of the Atlantic. It…
Nursery Fun with Scoot Fit
The children had lots of fun this morning with Scoot Fit! They sang, danced and improved their scootering skills.
Year 1- PE Skipping Outdoors
Year 1- Outdoor Skipping
Year 1 have been learning how to skip outdoors this afternoon.
”I kept trying until I could it.”
Exploring Clay in Nursery
This week we have been exploring clay making different shapes to create mini-beasts. This is helping us to improve our fine motor skills.
Y2 History
Making a Venn diagram of facts related to Kitty Wilkinson and Florence