Shrove Tuesday
In celebration of Shrove Tuesday, the children had a special visitor come in to school to make pancakes with the children. We talked about what ingredients we need to make pancakes and how they are cooked. The children choose their toppings and ate their pancakes together!
Magic Moments!
Not content with simply building a wall for Humpty Dumpty, two of our creative learners in nursery decided to work together to make a bed for him, using some blocks as a blanket to keep him warm. Look at those smiles!
Year 2 Lego Club
The children in Lego and k’nex club are becoming more creative each week. We’ve had so many different designs and the children have been working brilliantly together. Today some of the children chose to make marble runs using the Lego baseboards.
Lunar New Year in Nursery A
We have enjoyed learning about Lunar New Year and how it is celebrated. We learned that it is now the Year of the Snake and find out about the celebrations that take place in Liverpool for Lunar New Year and how it is celebrated in countries such as China, using our globe to locate it. Here we…
Year 1 Crudites
Year 1 Crudités
Year 1 enjoyed chopping the different vegetables into strips and making a delicious dip. “It was so yummy. I liked it all.”
Let’s Build in Nursery A
Using a mixture of wooden blocks and natural resources, the children decided to make a fort today. The children worked together and side by side to create their masterpiece. There was lots of discussion and negotiating taking place too. We didn’t want to tidy it away at the end of the day!…
Food technology
Our vegetable noodles were so good. We are making stuffed peppers next week.
Pitta Pizzas
This week we made pitta bread pizzas in nursery. We took turns, talked about our ingredients which included, tomato purée, pitta bread, cheese and sweetcorn. We really enjoyed eating them when they were ready. George commented “I really really really liked the sauce and the sweetcorn too!”…
Food technology
We had great fun making vegetable noodles with a lime and sweet soy dressing.
Year 1 Design & Technology
Year 1 Design & Technology
The children have really enjoyed working as a team to make cardboard towers. We talked about towers that topple and lean. Which team could make the tallest tower?
Year 1 Design Technology - Structures
Year One - Design Technology Structures
This week we have been exploring how free standing structures need a strong wide base to stay stable. The children used cardboard boxes to explore the best way of building their structure.
Design and technology
We have been using levers to create games. We were using fixed and loose pivots.