Y2 Santa Dash
Y2 had a great fun taking part in our school Santa Dash
Year 2 Gymnastics
The children explored using vaults, the climbing frame and the ropes.
Year 2 Gymnastics
The children enjoyed exploring and practising a range of rolls during their lesson led by Emily from Beth Tweddle Gymnastics.
CHET Trip 5A - Day 3
For our final day we started by returning to the woods to test our orienteering skills. After that we watched how to light a fire using flint and lock. We then toasted marshmallows to enjoy some delicious smores.
We returned to the centre to create pottery owls which the children will get when…
CHET Trip 5A - Day 2 Evening
Following our evening meal, the children headed back to the barn to take part in a bench ball tournament. It was extremely close and played in good spirit with lots of encouragement from everyone.
After that, we enjoyed a hot chocolate and biscuit. As you can see from the pictures, some of the…
CHET Trip 5A - Day 2 Afternoon
Following lunch, we headed back into the woods for abseiling. The children were incredibly brave and the instructors were ever so impressed at how well the children listened carefully to instructions.
We also completed archery in the barn. It was great to see how much the children improved…
CHET Trip 5A - Day 2 Morning
After a delicious breakfast we split into our groups. The first activities of the day were the climbing tower, low ropes course and night lining.
The children were fantastic at climbing and it was brilliant to see their improvement in such a short amount of time.
CHET Trip 5A - Day 1
Day 1 at CHET and it has certainly been a busy one. After arriving and enjoying our lunches, we headed into the woods to tackle the orienteering course. The children completed a range of obstacles and it was wonderful to see so many of them conquer their fear of heights by taking part on the zip…
CHET Trip Y5B - Day 1
Day 1 at CHET and the weather could not have been better! We have seen CHET in all of it's late autumnal glory! The children have been amazing, getting stuck straight into all of the activities on the low ropes course this afternoon after making their beds before lunch (always the most tricky…
Scoot fit
We had such an exciting time yesterday when we took part in Scoot Fit. The children absolutely loved scooting around to the music. They were so confident and particularly enjoyed the scoot football. ‘Best day ever!’ Jacob said.
Year 1- PE Skipping Outdoors
Year 1- Outdoor Skipping
Year 1 have been learning how to skip outdoors this afternoon.
”I kept trying until I could it.”
Reception Orienteering
This Monday we were lucky to take part in a class orienteering activity.
The children were split into groups and tasked with finding various animals around the site.
The weather was kind and we all had a great time searching for the animals and remembering them.
Esme won our kindest…