Year 1 French Skipping
Year 1 French Skipping
We have been learning about French skipping in PE today. We watched the different songs on the video and tried to copy the actions.
Year 1 Orienteering Outdoors
Year 1 Orienteering Outdoors
Year 1 had a wonderful time outdoors looking for different animals, numbers and letters around the school.
Orienteering Outdoors
This morning the children worked with Enrich Education to find the different animal markers around our school. We enjoyed making the various animal noises and talking about where we would find these animals in our environment.
Children explored different ways of jumping over a range of equipment.
Year 1 PE
Year 1 Outdoor PE
Year 1 had a lovely time outdoors for PE today. We have been learning to keep a steady breath, move our arms faster to help us to move quickly and run on the balls of our feet. Well done Year 1!
Basketball in the sunshine
Learning to dribble and move with the basketball.
Gymnastics with Beth Tweddle Gymnastics!
P.E. for Autumn Term
This term, the children will be developing their P.E. skills alongside Beth Tweddle Gymnastics. The sessions will be led by members of the Beth Tweddle team and aim to provide the highest quality of gymnastics to the children throughout the autumn term. Today we worked on…