Year 4 Science: Sound
We have been so lucky in Year 4 to have a visit from one of our school governors, who is also a real scientist! Mr Middleman kindly brought different equipment into school to help us with our science topic on sound.
We talked about how sound cannot travel through a vacuum, how sound waves…
The children love to watch Numberblocks and today had a go at making their own number stairway using our multilink cubes. There was lots of counting and checking to make sure that the correct number was reached.
Nursery A & B CAFOD World Gifts
Cheerful children's stocking
As a school, each year group is fundraising for CAFOD this Advent. Nursery have chosen the World Gift of a Cheerful Children’s Stocking this year to raise money for. We have had the idea of asking our nursery children to bring in a small treat for themselves to…
Investigating the effects of friction on different surfaces.
Today we looked at how friction is a resistant force between two surfaces.
We investigated which surface is best to place on the floor to prevent people slipping.
Year 6 Special Visitor
Climate Change Workshop
Year 6 took part in a really interesting session this morning with Sam from SusTrans. We discussed some of the key issues related to climate changed and thought about ways in which we can live a more sustainable life.
Nursery Christmas Assembly
Our nursery children made a wonderful start to our Christmas assemblies today. In our special act of worship the children sang beautifully and reminded us all of the true meaning of Christmas. We are so proud of how amazing they all were. Well done children!
Four Sides or Not!
This week we have been looking at 2d shapes. We have talked about the properties of the shapes, including corners and sides. We then sorted various shapes according to the number of sides they had.
Exploring Colour and Texture
In Reception we have been using watercolours to explore mixing and different textures when we are painting. The children loved the delicate colours the paints made. Clancy and Isabella particularly enjoyed this activity.
Road Safety
We have been exploring road safety and ways to make ourselves more visible when we are outside.
In groups, we selected a design based on a brief provided and then used fluorescent and reflective materials to build our designs.
After creating our designs, we evaluated them against the brief…
Who will you be today in Nursery A?
In Nursery we love taking on different roles. Throughout the year we use hats, bags, shoes, clothes to be whoever we want to be. In the run up to Christmas we have introduced a variety of more recognisable costumes into nursery and the children have had so much fun. One area of our classroom…
CAFOD World Gifts
Fundraising this Advent
As a year group, we have chosen to raise money for CAFOD this season. We are hoping to raise money to provide safe, clean water for families who do not have access to one of life’s essentials. The children have already started to come up with many different ways in which…