Systems - Road Safety
Year 5 have been exploring the issue of road safety.
The children discussed, ‘How can we keep ourselves safe on the roads?’
We looked at the work of Emily Brooke and her invention, ‘Blaze - The Ultimate Light.’
We then designed posters explaining how the products keep cyclists…
This week the children have been learning about multiples and factors.
We explored the different ways we can identify a multiple of 2,3,4 and 5.
Poetry - Jinnie Ghost
This week, Year 5 has been exploring poetry focusing on the poem ‘Jinnie Ghost.’
In groups, the children looked at different images related to the poem and selected vocabulary that would fit each one. We discussed the poems use of similes, repetition and choice of verbs.
We have enjoyed…
Learning About Classification
Today in science, we learnt about classification and taxonomy. The children designed their very own classification chart to sort different sweets!
Year 2 Art
The children created their own design by drawing around 3D shapes and then they painted each section using primary colours.
Y2 Painting
Y2 enjoyed drawing their own shape picture and painting using primary colours.
Rosie’s Spectacular Lightbox House
After reading the story of ‘The Three Little Pig's’ Rosie used the lightbox to make her own house. We love the colours that shine through on the box.
Subitising in Reception
This week in Reception we have been using our ‘maths eyes’ to look at small groups of objects and say, without counting, how many there are! The children have loved playing games to subitse.
Y2 Guided Reading
We started our first guided reading session of this half term by solving a jigsaw puzzle of the front cover our new focus book.
Exploring Patterns in Nursery
This week we have been exploring repeats in songs and stories. We have also been using objects and paints to make line patterns and repeated patterns.
Year 1-Painting
Year 1- Painting
We have been learning about the different parts of a paintbrush in art today. We have been gluing the different pieces of paper into our sketchbooks ready to paint.