Bug Hunting!
The children have loved hunting for bugs in the garden this week. After reading poems about mini-beasts we all searched the garden for their secret hiding places to see what we could find. Harry was especially keen and helped lots of the children on their search. ‘I know all the good hiding…
This week we have investigated patterns in class. The children loved making their own simple patterns using our every day resources.
English Martyrs Autumn Cafe!
This week’s menu:
Starter: Leaf Soup
Main: Autumn Omelette
Dessert: Spider crispy cakes
Turn-taking, playing, mixing, stirring, speaking, listening, measuring, counting, experimenting = LEARNING!
When the lights go out…the torches come out!
A power cut in nursery didn’t stop the fun and learning this week. We used torches to find our way around nursery, exploring light, dark and shadows.
Who lives in a house like this?
As part of our Communication and Language work, we have been reading the book Home by Carson Ellis. The children have been building different homes within the nursery provision. They have produced some fantastic creations.
Can Street Food save us?
Design Technology - Can Street Food Save Us?
Yesterday, the children made their very own healthy burritos. As part of our unit on researching and creating traditional street food from around the world, the children thought about the nutritional benefits of the various ingredients used. We…
Pupil Book Study - Art & Design
A group of children from Year 3 and Mrs Blackledge allowed us to observe a Pupil Book Study taking place in the newly opened Library this afternoon.
The children were asked lots of questions and answered enthusiastically about the techniques they had learnt about like 'tonking' and…
Nursery Making Mud Soup
The children have been working together in the mud kitchen making mud soup using our natural resources.
Y2 Harvest festival
Y1 and Y2 came together this morning to celebrate their Harvest festival. Many thanks to all the families who have donated food to Seaforth Mission.
We have been exploring copyright. As a class discussed what copyright is and why it is important.
The children created posters explaining what is copyright as well as the terms public domain and fair use.
Recount - Journey along the river
The children have worked in small groups to recount Annie’s journey in her barrel as she approaches the end of the falls.
We focused on summarising the key events as well as thinking about how Annie would have felt at each stage.
Y2 Making Smoothies
James from Active Sefton visited Year 2 today. He talked about the importance of healthy eating and we watched him make a smoothie, which we were then able to taste. It contained a variety of delicious