Air Resistance
In this lesson we explored the effects of air resistance.
We looked at how air resistance (drag) is a force which acts as friction between objects and air.
We conducted an experiment using parachutes to see whether the size of the parachute impacts the time it takes an object to fall.
100 Word Tale
After analysing traditional tales, we used a planning grid to write a 100 word tale using elements of traditional tales.
Year One - Painting
Year One - Painting
Inspired by the work of Piet Mondrian, the children used their painting skills of ‘dip, dip, dab’ to create an abstract painting in the style of Piet Mondrian.
Year One Painting
Year One - Painting
Exploring the work of Piet Mondrian through Art & Design.
We were so excited to see the snow on Tuesday morning. Although there wasn’t that much we certainly made the most of it! Apart from a few cold hands we had a great time.
Year 1- Piet Mondrian
Year 1- Piet Mondrian Art
We have been looking at the artist Piet Mondrian in Year 1 this afternoon. We looked at the shapes and colours used and painted our own designs.
Year 1- Prayer Cards
Year 1- Prayer cards
We have been learning the Hail Mary in Year 1. The children have decorated a prayer card to take home to remind them to pray for Mary.
Changing Seasons in Nursery
The children in nursery have been learning about our different seasons and this week they were able to explore what snow and ice feel like. The children talked about ‘wrapping up warm’ and preparing for the winter months ahead.
Year 1- History Toys
Year 1- History Toys
The children have been very excited to talk about the toys they played with as a toddler. They used the catalogues to look at different toys that would be suitable for a toddler.
Snow and sledging in Nursery A
We wasted no time in making the most of the sprinkling of snow we had this morning, learning a ‘sprinkling’ of new snow related vocabulary too! We used lots of teamwork to pull the heavy sledge and even more teamwork to throw snowballs at the adults! Smiles all round and despite our cold hands…
Year 2 Science: Life Cycles
In Science we talked about the life cycle of a chicken and the different stages involved. The children worked in small groups to sequence pictures and write about each stage.
Messy Mud Kitchen Play
The children have been getting messy in the mud kitchen this week.
An article in QA Nursery Magazine explains the many benefits of mud kitchens some of which are listed below:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
Mud kitchens work incredibly well as part of PSED for…